Nov 13 Stories
Reporter Peaza Graymour ventured into a ghostly, abandoned town on a mission to uncover the mystery of the missing townsfolk. What started as a few disappearances turned into a chilling encounter with mischievous Will-o-Wisps and their eerie whispers of 'Come play with us.' Dive into our latest blog post to unravel the spine-tingling secrets of this Halloween adventure and discover what truly was lurking on the eve of All Hallows' Eve.
Nov 6 Stories
Did the Tarrasque enjoy trick-or-treating? Absolutely! We witnessed a giant creature in festive spirits, wagging its tail spike with glee amidst a town mysteriously emptied of people but full of abandoned candy. As it struck a deal with pilfering monkeys for candy collection, we're left wondering—what bewitching tale led the townsfolk to vanish overnight? Dive into our latest blog post to unravel this Halloween mystery!
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