Did the Tarrasque Enjoy Trick-or-Treating?

We ventured to the Tarrasque’s lair to see how its went. It was thrilled to partake in this year’s festivities—fromfirst Halloween dressing up to scoring a town full of candy. The excitement was palpable among our ground crew, especially when it wagged its tail spike all over. Unfortunately, our reporting party was down two members, as the healers refused to heal those who didn't listen to them about this idea.

After the Tarrasque calmed down from its excitement, it grew puzzled. Eager for a good story, I dared to ask what was troubling it. It paused for a moment, then shared its experience. Preparing alone was challenging, but the idea of trick-or-treating was too enticing to pass up. However, it was saddened to find the town completely abandoned, although it had been lively with crowds just a short while ago. It had been more than a month since it last saw the town and wondered, 'Where did everyone go?'

Then, it cheered up again, realizing all the candy was left behind. It noticed a pair of monkeys pillaging all the candy. In exchange for not eating them, it made a deal with the monkeys to gather all the candy and share it. They agreed, of course, and now live in a nearby forest. The candy was shared with the forest creatures—well, those that weren’t accidentally eaten when it grabbed some candy.

While all of my party did survive in the end, the question remains: What happened to the townsfolk?

Angel Franco

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