Will-o-Wisps, Come Play With Us!

I found myself in an abandoned town, once full of life. The capital sent me to report on the missing townspeople. Initially, only a few people were missing, but now my party has found nothing but a ghost town. We did run into two monkeys collecting all the Halloween candy that was left out.

For a while, there were no good leads on where everyone might have gone. Every so often, we would see a faint bluish glow just around a corner, beyond our reach, only to disappear once we came around the bend.

Then, we got a wonderful break in the mystery! The bluish glow originated from the outskirts of the town in the forest. We ran toward it, hoping it would help solve the issue at hand. It felt like we followed it for hours, always just out of sight, with faint whispers of 'Come play with us' audible in the air.

Then we saw two more bluish glows and what sounded like laughter. We approached closer without caution, falling into their trap and sliding down narrow slides that led into a large pit, where we found all the townsfolk!

While trapped, they explained that the Will-o-Wisps were luring them out of the town because of a supposed great danger visiting that night. Though it sounded like a kind gesture, they only helped because it would be boring without the townspeople.

The next day at the crack of dawn, the Will-o-Wisps showed everyone a way out of the town. They wouldn't answer any questions and then disappeared. I wonder what was coming on this Hallow's Eve night.

Angel Franco

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